Why Yearbooks Make a Great Fundraiser
Yearbooks are more than just memory books—they’re a powerful fundraising tool. Here's why:
1. Book Sales
Affordable Yearbook: Work with your sales representative to secure the best price. For example, if each book costs $10, ordering 200 copies costs $2,000.
Profit Margin: Sell the books at $15 each, generating $3,000 in sales. After covering production costs, you net a $1,000 profit.
2. Love Lines
Personalized Messages: Parents can write heartfelt one-line messages for their students, placed in a special section of the yearbook.
Low Effort, High Impact: At $5 per message, selling 100 Love Lines adds $500 to your fundraising total.
3. Ad Sales
Traditional and Effective: Local businesses and parents purchase ad space in the yearbook.
Example Revenue: With four pages of ads, each page featuring eight $50 ads, you raise $1,600.
4. Sponsor a Page
Community Support: Offer businesses or individuals the opportunity to sponsor a yearbook page. Sponsors help cover production costs, and their information is featured in the book as per the adviser’s guidelines.
5. Online Yearbook Storefront
Setting up an online store simplifies the sales process and enhances fundraising opportunities:
Convenience: Sell yearbooks 24/7 with minimal administrative effort.
Photo Contributions: The store allows your community to upload their best photos, enriching the yearbook’s content.
Pre-Sales: Start selling early in the school year to maximize orders.
Profit Margins: Mark up the price to generate additional funds.
Effortless Management: All sales are tracked online, eliminating the need for manual cash collection and reducing administrative hassle.
How to Set Up Your Store:
Go to Creator Studio Lite and click “Sell.”
Select “New Store,” name your store, create a unique URL, and choose the book(s) for sale.
Turn on ordering, and your store is live!
The Top Reason to Use a Storefront
It streamlines everything: sales, tracking, and reporting. With credit card processing, you can focus on creating a great yearbook while the store handles the logistics.
By combining these strategies, yearbooks not only capture memories but also become a reliable and profitable fundraiser for your school.